Refund Policy

At Bymond Private Limited, we are committed to providing high-quality services, including managed hosting for BigBlueButton and other open-source solutions, consulting, one-time deployment, and development services. Our refund policy is designed to be clear and fair to all parties.

1. Consultation and One-Time Deployment Services

  • No Refunds for Rendered Services: Our consultation and deployment services are billed based on the time and expertise provided. Therefore, once services have been rendered, no refunds will be issued, regardless of the outcome. We charge for the time and effort dedicated to your project.

2. Managed Hosting Services

  • No Refunds for Non-Usage: Managed hosting services incur significant infrastructure and resource costs on our end. As long as your service was operational and available for use, we cannot offer refunds for non-usage or lower-than-expected usage during your billing period.
  • Refunds in Special Circumstances: If, in rare cases, the service was not delivered as promised, or if a payment was made by mistake and an immediate cancellation request is submitted, we may consider a refund. Any refund issued will be adjusted to account for transaction fees and other associated costs.
  • Activation and Refunds: Once a managed hosting plan is activated, no refunds will be provided. This is to ensure that we can continue to offer reliable and robust services to all our clients.
  • Annual Plan Adjustments: If you have prepaid for an annual plan and wish to upgrade, we can adjust your payment accordingly. The adjustment will take into account any discounts received and potential losses incurred by Bymond Private Limited.

3. Development Services

  • No Refunds for Completed Work: Development services are provided on a project or hourly basis, depending on the agreement. Once development work has been completed or milestones have been achieved, no refunds will be provided. This policy reflects the significant time and resources invested in delivering custom development solutions.
  • Refunds for Unstarted Work: If a client decides to cancel a development project before any work has started, we may offer a refund after deducting any administrative or preparatory costs already incurred.
  • Project Adjustments: Should you wish to modify the scope of a development project after work has begun, adjustments to the project cost will be made accordingly, but no refunds will be provided for work already completed.

4. Final Notes

We are committed to delivering quality services and value our clients’ satisfaction. If you have any concerns or questions regarding our refund policy, please feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help and ensure that your experience with Bymond Private Limited is a positive one.

5. Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding Refunds or Cancellation, You can contact us:

  • By email: